Ok, so much for blogging about my progress. Well, I guess I have been, because I haven't been doing very well. I've been trying to eat well, but it gets difficult to do when you're in work for between 8 and 12 hours 5/6 days a week. The way my shifts are set out it's been difficult to fit my workouts in, so I've missed several of them. Then I get disheartened and I start again, so effectively I'm getting nowhere.

So I'm taking this route instead. I keep going through the workouts and trying to do them in the mornings. This way i have to get to the end of the program eventually. I'm still working on the eating thing. I try and eat healthily, but it's so expensive to follow those exercise diet plans. I'm following my own for now I think and then when I start round 2 (if I ever complete round 1...) then I'll try and follow the plan then. Hopefully in NC I'll have a steady job and be able to plan things more effectively.

I've also had a bit of flu this week. Nothing too bad and it seems to be heading out, but it's enough to make my head feel like it's going to explode and ache everywhere. :S

I'm still not well but I figured I'd try some yoga this morning. Bad idea. I didn't even make it halfway through the workout. I'm not really sure whether to count it or not. I did try, but sweaty hands and feet make it extremely difficult to grip the yoga mat and therefore I'm not holding the positions correctly, so is it really worth carrying on?

So I'm going to shower and chill a bit before I start work at 3. I'll start again tomorrow with Legs and back :)

Over the past few months, I have let my diet slip, I've let me exercise slip and I've become pretty lazy, and it's showing. I'm determined to feel good and look good and to do that I have to make some pretty big changes. I keep trying, and then slipping and I've realised I really need to get me head in the game for this to work.
Today is my first day off work in about nine days so I figure here is a pretty good day to start. I've had a good sleep and I'm motivated! I want to work out, but I should have gotten up earlier to do it. My roommates will be up and about soon and Sunday is their lazy day, so I don't want to get in the way of that. They don't get much time together. Perhaps they'll go out to lunch or something and I can sneak in a core synergistics session.
I'm going to be following the P90X program and the recommended diet, and hopefully running as well. I figure I literally have nothing else to do so I may as well spend my time exercising and not being lazy. I'm over it.
So for today, I'm planning a core synergisitcs work out, no running and good foods. I'll have to head into town to do a 'big shop' so I better get on making my shopping lists!
Here goes nothing!

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal; it's the courage to continue that counts."
-Winston Churchhill

"Determination is the wake-up call to the human will."
-Anthony Robbins

So. My third day of freedom, and damn it feels good. I still technically have my dissertation to write but it will get it's ass kicked in a few days. I'll have 7ish whole days to write it, and I think that's ample time to nail it! i want to do it well, so I really need to get on it. I would start now, but I figure working 10 hour days as well, will not lend to good writing. I feel a little like i'm cheating, but after reading one of Andy's assignments, I feel like I'm better equipped to write this thing well. Not copying, just taking hints from his writing style.
I'm feeling a little better than I was the other day with the weight issue. I think a week of stress eating + it being over = meltdown. I'm hopefully going to be going to the doctors sometime this week to get my preventer inhaler, and then that should mean that I can start running again with out killing my self ;) I can't wait! Then the graduation ball is next week, I still fit into my dress, which is great news, and I think the shoes I bought the other day might go with it ok, happy days!
Anyway, I'm going to enjoy my morning of nothing to do before I have to head to work later.

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through strength, but through persistence."

We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.
Anaia Nin

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank

Realize you are responsible for your life. The decisions, the choices you make are yours. Don't blame others for things not working out, take responsibility, change the things that need changing
I think I've finally reached the point in my life where I can't take it any more. I've struggled internally with my weight for long time and tonight it's just become too much. I'm not huge. I'm a UK size 8. But somehow, I'm a flabby 8. I get bloated and I have some kind of issue with holding my weight on my hips.
I'm supposed to be going out tonight, it's my last day of exams and everyone on my course is going to be out. I bought a new outfit I thought I would look cute in, but when I got home and put it on I couldn't have been more mortified with the way I look. Bits poking out here and there, my skin is terrible recently. I was so disgusted with how I looked I pretty much just broke down crying on my bed.
I feel terrible letting everyone down, but if I went out I would have a horrible night and I would be so pre-occupied with how I look I think I would bring everyone else down. All I want to do right now is run.
Away from my problems, away from the fat, away from being so freaking lonely all the time. All I want right now is to be with Den, but that's over two months away. I need to get through this and I think the only way to do that is to concentrate on getting my weight down.
I'm going to run and figure out some sort of plan for exercise and keeping to it. I can't do this anymore. I'm 24 and I should be comfortable in my own skin, but it's suffocating me. I have to get out of it.
Something has to change, and it has to be me.
After five months of planning, and re-planning, and numerous frustrating changes to the event, The Wakefield Festival of Food, Drink and Rhubarb was a success. At least from the point of view of Enlivening events. :) My final year project is almost done. The event is complete, now just for the 15000 word evaluation due in, in six or seven weeks. Words can't describe how excited I am about that...
So for the next few weeks, even more so than is already true, my life will not be my own. So I'm definitely in the need of some serious motivation. And sleep. I'm hoping I can sleep properly the next few weeks, because this is going to be so much harder if not.
In three weeks, I'll be visiting Den in San Diego! I can't believe how quickly it's come around! 21 sleeps and I'll be falling asleep with my baby. I think he's going to be devastated when I fall straight to sleep after I get off the plane, haha. :) He'll still love me though so it's all good. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have found him. People search their whole lives to experience a moment of what we have. I can't wait to be with him again.


Whatever you do will be significant,
but it is very important that you do it.
- Mahatma Ghandi

Green eyes,
you're the one I wanted to find.
And anyone who tried to deny you
must be out of their mind.
Because I came here with a load,
and it feels so much lighter
since I met you.
And honey you should know,
that I could never go on without you.

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.
If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

Keep your dreams alive.
Understand that to achieve anything requires
faith, and belief in yourself. Vision. Hard work.
Determination and dedication. Remember all
things are possible for those who believe.

Worst Valentines ever. I'm finally with the man of my dreams and he's 6000 miles away from me. Not that Valentines day is really unlike any other day I guess, but it does make it hit home more than usual. Guys coming into work all week buying flowers and cards, people I know going out to dinner, spending the night together. That's what it's really about. Making time to spend with the person you love, like really spending time with them. Not just sitting in front of the tv, or hanging out with friends. Having a day/night that is just about the two of you. I think it's important. It's important that the person you love knows it, without you saying it. That you love them so much that they can just feel it. Hallmark holiday or not, sometimes it's ok to have a reminder. Life gets in the way. Valentines day is like a gentle reminder that you have what you've been looking for, that even though things can be rough sometimes, you have the most important thing of all: someone to care about and who cares about you.

Den has a lot on his plate right now, looking for a job, his friend Greg is still missing. I can't imagine what it feels like. I wish there was something I could do. I feel so helpless. Hopefully having Brooks there will do him some good. I think he needs a break from Quin sometimes. He sounds like a great guy, but it seems like he can be very childish sometimes and need his own way a lot.
They're playing football tonight, I think Den will enjoy it a lot. I think he misses playing sometimes. He gave me the impression he used to play a lot when we met, he talked about football practice, but never seemed to go... Hmmm.

We're having a delayed Valentines day in March, I can't wait! Just over a month and I'll be with him again. I'm so tired of being on my own. I feel like I have nothing here anymore. Sure, i have friends, but they've all moved away. Laura and Dan just seem to work and watch TV. It can be hard to get a conversation out of Laura these days, she's very wrapped up in Laura. Which is fine. She's building a life with Dan, they have their stuff. Hopefully one day I'll be building a life with Den. I don't know what I'd do without him. I know it's unhealthy to NEED someone, but I figure it's ok, if you want them way more. Haha.

It's getting close to 11, so I better get to bed, else I'll never sleep. Going to run in the morning, not sure if Gaz is coming, I think he's screening my calls. Jerk.


Nothing was perfect but everything was real.

But the struggles make you stronger,
And the changes make you wise,
And happiness has it's own way of taking its sweet time.
Life isn't always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride.

They were in love. You could tell just by the way
they looked at each other, like they had the most
wonderful secret in the world between them.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm
doing something right because when I look
at him, it's there. In everything he does to me,
it's there. I don't know what it is, but I know
that it is there, & it's never going to leave.

True love isn't love at first sight;
it should be love at every sight.

I want to wake up in your room, in your bed. I want to wake up to that view in your window, the one that overlooks everything below. I want to wake up in your arms, my skin pressed against yours. I want to shower in your bathroom and wash my face in your sink. I want to make you coffee and have toast with you. I want to read the morning paper with you and drive to work with you. I want to have our photo in a frame at the corner of my desk. I want to come home from work to you. I want to hold you and feel you and love you properly. I want to make dinner with you. I want to do the dishes and sort the laundry with you. I want to get ready for bed with you. I want to fall asleep in your arms, and wake up to you and do everything all over again. I want to be with you.

The thing about you is - you're fun.
You make me laugh and make me feel more alive.
Okay, you make me a little crazy sometimes, but
there are these moments in my mind, crystal clear
images of you and me and how we fit together, and
it all just makes such perfect sense, and I know what I want,
I want time with you.

I'm never letting this one go, because often certain people
enter our lives at the most peculiar times for the most beautiful
reasons. They seem to make the most perfect impressions
while leaving behind an everlasting impact. Some of the
best things in life appear when you least expect them.
Things you can never forget.

Live life like there's no tomorrow.
Love the people who treat you right,
and realize that no matter what happens,
they'll always love you. you can`t change
the past, so look forward to the future.
Live every day to the fullest, and have no
regrets. know that everything has its
purpose, and that everything happens
for a reason.

The greatest feeling in the world is to be around
someone who who wants to hold you ; wants to
kiss your forehead ; wants to be around you..
wants to call you at night ; wants to see you smile.
but whats better than that is finding someone that
does it all, because he wants to see you happy.

I’ve never fallen so hard for someone in such a short
period of time. and even though i promised myself i
wouldn't risk the chance of getting hurt again, for
some reason, when i'm with you, it all seems worth it.

You’re the reason I wake up every morning and put
a smile on. The reason I ignore every guy's attempt
to hit on me. The reason my glass is half full instead
of half empty. You’re the reason I feel alive.

Thinking of you keeps me awake. dreaming of you
keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.

There aren't very many people in this world who can give
you butterflies. So when you find someone who can,
never let them go.

but it sure can pay the bills, and fill my little belly right up.

They say money can't buy you happiness, but you sure as hell can't do much with out it.

I potentially have 3 jobs in the pipeline, lets just hope at least one of them comes through with enough hours so I can stop worrying.

At least for a little while.

I'm over being a student.

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is to love and be loved in return."